Program Overview
With just 3 years since the creation of WOC, we have accomplished so much for our community. WOC is a one stop shop for struggling families.
Our Services
Pop Up Events
Wheels Of Change started off as a traveling non profit. To this date this program has helped more than 20,000 families in various counties throughout the state. Our Pop Up events bring hope to communities that have high poverty levels. We bring clothing, food, toys, diapers and baby items to those in need
Community Baby Shower
With the increasing cost of baby items WOC host bi annually baby shower throughout the state. We provide diaper bags filled with clothing, bottles, baby blankets, nursing supplies to moms in need. We also provide essiental items so mom can add to her hospital bag.
Operation Backpack
Operation Backpack was born in 2013 when our founder Brenda Gonzalez witness children in Camden carrying school supplies in plastic bags. Operation Backpack was brought into WOC in 2021. Since the creation of this program we have served approx 7500 backpacks.
Christmas Jubilee
Christmas Jubilee is a holiday prroject were WOC adopted 125 families an provides them Christmas presents and winter gear.